US Embassy in Colombia supports the efforts of Ministry of National Education of Colombia and Colombia-Challenge your Knowledge (CCYK) under Destination Colombia for USA to increase U.S. study abroad in Colombia by supporting Higher education institutions from the U.S. to learn more about the Colombian higher education system, connect with potential partners in Colombia, and consider it as a possible destination for students from the U.S.
With the goal of leveraging the increasing interest of students from the U.S. to study or join exchange programs in Colombia, PAS Bogota, in collaboration with the Government of Colombia through the Ministry of Education (MoE) and the Colombia Challenge Your Knowledge Network of Accredited Universities (CCYK), conduct, a three-phase program to analyze student motivations, experiences and engage HEIs from the U.S. to increase study abroad opportunities in Colombia.
More than 100 students and faculty from USA shared their motivations, expectations and experiences visiting Colombia and its Higher Education Institutions for academic and research programs and projects in last 4 years. There are some highlights and results of this:
The main motivations from US Citizens to come to Colombia are:
A very welcoming and safe country for foreigners
A great social and culture development
A country with a very good climate, geographical and biological diversity
Destination Colombia for USA Talks Serie of 4 webinars addressed to USA Higher Education Institutions focused in providing useful information as a toolkit to know and connect with Colombia HEIs with special interest in building Study Abroad programs.
Objective: Foster effective connections for HEIs from the U.S. with local institutions that will serve as baseline for further partnerships through a funded Colombia Immersion Program for US Study Abroad officers from US Universities, in cities as Medellin, Cali, Cartagena, Barranquilla, Bucaramanga and Pereira.
Director of Global Education Office and Teaching
Assistant Professor
Kansas State University
Director. Office of Global Engagement
Texas A&M University Kingsville.
International Programs Coordinator
Prairie View A&M University